Saturday, July 18, 2009

Bye bye dear phone~

Here i am once again.. normally there'll be updates when something 'interesting' happens..
Month of july, especially after the distribution of GST offset is the crucial period for me.. I thought things were looking good.. I had a great job, nice collegues with cool environment.. But it seems fated, somehow.. I have to 破财 again..

My phone was stolen by a piece of shit! *Sigh* I'm working as recep in sch office, as usual we normally place the phone on the desk, cos work can get really bored at times so it became a habit to check the phone periodically.. It so happened that the morning was terribly busy.. Students coming over to the counter to print their posters.. And it was like 3 hours after my last sms then i decided to go for my break and realised that it was missing, tried calling the phone and it was switched off.. bad news.. quickly suspended my line cos there gt alot of AH TIONGS, so afraid that they will make overseas calls.. and as usual the SOP, hid in the toilet and cry.. Reported the case to the security and police..

I really hope that the evil shit will have his dirty finger will get stucked in the disgusting nose forever while picking them!
There's this hand sanitizer on the reception desk.. i should have requested all visitors to sanitise their hands before stepping in.. 以免他们手脚不干净-.-" ..
Its definitely my fault for creating such incident to happen.. But that doesn't mean that he shud 顺手牵羊.. where are the morals, the education that were given??(If its really a student there who did it.. its such a disgrace).. Sigh
And i got chased by a pet dog the very night..
What a day..

Thanks dear for supporting me with spare phone again hehe.. 雪中送炭 :)
*cross finger* 希望有失必有得 hehee!

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