Friday, September 4, 2009


Just some of my random non-sense thoughts

"When whole is greater than the sum of the parts" - a term that sets me thinking, actually this is nothing new.

In primary school, we've learnt the story about a boy breaking his chopstick.. One chopstick is easy to break without much effort but when it comes to breaking 10.. you need "bull strength".

In uni, we also learnt that relative mass of a system is smaller than the sum of the masses of its constituent parts.

The same goes for the society, the strength of unity..

But when does the whole gets smaller than the sum of the parts? When the team doesn't work well?

Life is like a jigsaw puzzle, for a start each has its counter piece fitting one another perfectly.. sadly, it seems like the material of the puzzles are degradable and the shape of each piece changes over time. But this is life isn't it? The only constant thing in this world is change..

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