Friday, December 12, 2008

Only blue only blue

First 3 weeks of hol is pure relaxation and rotting...
Next 3 weeks, would be dedicated to doing surveys again! Hehe.. Something that i've been doing
前年的今天, 去年的今天, 今年的今天...

Partly because 做生不如做熟 (hard to find 1 mth job too ) , more due to the money and mostly is the freedom that is given, cos i dun like the feeling of getting supervise in the office (guess no one does).. And the price to pay is to sweat, sweat, sweat.. At last i'm exercising :)

7 more hours to the training and i'm feeling low :s, dread the feeling of getting hundreds of new cases to settle, but again these are $$ :D.. lol, hope this time be as smooth and let me complete the assignment soon hehe.. But yet dun wan sch to start so soon... Contradicting :x

9 more days to our first overseas trip! :)
Happy 21st Ms Pang! May you stay pretty and happy always =D
Happy 23rd Mr Wong! Hope you had a great 23 and may you have a smooth year ahead! =))

This road gets a lil bumpy at times..
Tend to think much (y gals like to think so much? I say cos we care ) and isn't that what brain's for? =x
无风不起浪, there's some 风 these days.. Haha, shud use 万精油.. *Poot* 的一声 就舒服多了 :p .. But it takes a great deal of effort to find the "万精油".. An effort of 2 =)
Maybe i should apply the law of attraction, but i'm only halfway through the book, haha, so.. yup, i've not mastered the trick totally yet.. :s Gotta learn to think the smart way! ~

Turning in to prepare for the training tml, O-yasumi nasai :)

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